Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mother weep the years I'm missing

I've been real nostalgic lately, I know. And I don't think I've met anyone who hasn't been nostalgic lately, either. So it's quite difficult to stop thinking about past times when all you do is talk about past times with people -even random people.
I don't think it's actually useful to think and whine about it, but some times I just need to look back to where I've been, the people I've known and what the past has brought to my present...only for the sake of it.

It has nothing to do with it - or maybe it does, since it's from two decades ago - but my brother Leandro and I were searching for random stuff on youtube when we came across this series of 3 russian commercials from the 80's. It's quite amazing how different from now commercials used to be - letalone the quality of the video and the special effects.-
Just give it 5 mins of your time, and pay attention to the kind of models that would appear on such commercials and the products that they were advertising. The crazy music and the psychodelic colours are just dressings for this european dish.

follow link --> here


  1. la primer progranda es muy bizarra y no entendi de que es. encima todas tipo, duran un monton. y la ultima me causo gracia ahahah. y con lo primero que pusiste que se yo, sabes qe te entiendo porque lo estuvimos hablando. y nada, te amo ♥
